Saturday 2 April 2011

Mendacity Audience Commentary

When we showed the rest of our media class our final product we got a lot of positive feed back. Mr Oswick said "The opening of the case scene worked really well and actually that shot was framed really nicely with Matt just looking over, the most nicely framed shot in the whole thing i think. It worked really well''. We where very proud of this shot as we had thought about what could make the scene more effect and we really wanted to achieve that. 

David in our class said he liked the sped up shot that goes down the alleyway, he thought that was really good and effective. Again it was another point in our film opening that we put a lot of thought into. We wanted to attempt to put a crash zoom in somewhere to just try it out, but it worked very quite.

Alex also added he liked the way it didn't stay on the same shot for too long and the credits faded in and out to black. He Also said some of the shot techniques like when the shot looked up towards the sky and came back down to a different area. This again was an Idea that we thought a lot about, And it showed off in the final piece because everyone thought it all looked impressive and smooth.

One area Mr Oswick touched on the few pieces of dialogue that were included were very quite and hard to pick up on. Which could be improved simply by having a proper mic or just recording the dialogue separately and link it with the video.

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