Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation activity 7

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

- When we compare our preliminary task to our final work its clear that we have learnt a lot our using the camera. In the past 5 months we've learnt so such. It is very clear that we have put a lot more thought into where the camera should be places to gain better effects.We have also used camera shots better e.g. match on action and close ups. Using these term its clear that we have improved our media skills over this time.
- In the preliminary task there was an incredible amount of dialogue. So when ever we changed an over the shoulder shot we had sure we always followed the 180 degree rule for increased continuity. However in our final media task there wasn't a lot of dialogue, but when ever there was a change of shot in the same scene we had sure we followed it.

- Again in our preliminary task we used a lot of shot reverse shot and over the shoulder shots, this would then combat the amount of dialogue and smooth out the editing and continuity though out the video. When it came to making our final film we knew that we didn't have near the amount of dialogue that we did in the preliminary. However we always thought back to how we edited in our first task when making the final piece. Like in the alleyway scene when Kieran and I have a stand off with harry we used shot reverse shot to show the facial expressions. This helped a lot with continuity because we where able to portray our reactions after each movement made by harry.

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