Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation activity 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

This picture is one I took in lesson. Its shown us getting to grips with the camera. At the start of the year none of us where hugely familiar with using a video camera for this sort of task. How ever we all got to grips with the technology very quickly which helped a lot when trying to plan our filming schedule.

We also learnt how important very piece of equipment available is, for example the tripod is a huge importance when filming. We used a tripod for more or less every shot we took which was of great importance. If we had not used it our final project would have looked very unprofessional and poor.

Whilest constructing our final piece of work we learnt that the re-shot was incredible important. This was a benefit of the group working together very well. Which meant we finish all of our filming very, this then led to us spotting mistakes early when it came to editing. This meant we got the re-shot done, which then fitted in very nicely with our work. If we hadn't have been so prepared a re-shot would have been near impossible and made our film have less continuity and effect.

We used premiere elements to edit our opening. Kieran was very fimilliar with this software. This made it simple for him to get to grips with using it for our editing . However i had never used it before. I learnt a lot of what i now know about this programme and how to use it from Kieran. Most of the things done in our opening i know how to do it because of paying attention to Kieran, and playing around with the programme itself.

At the start of the year we where introduced to blogger. I had never used it before and didnt know what to expect. However after a long time working on it, blogger is a key part of our english media lessons. It is now very easy to use.

All of the videos have been posted on youtube. Its very easy to use and very easy to find your own piece of work. Its simple because we all used it many times before.

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