Monday 28 February 2011

More opening credits

Earlier the week our group started to think about the opening credits which will be used at the beginning for the film. As we where talking and watching the one we already made, Kieran started to think of other ideas previously put together from the rest of the group.

After speaking about all of this Kieran decided that he wanted to have another do at the opening credits.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Diary of filming

February 26th

Today we went to film the alleyway scene. Mitch couldn't make it because he could not get a lift. I arrived on time to meet kieran and harry already at the alley way. The filming went well and got many different shots we wanted despite some rain.

Overall we are all happy with the footage we got over half term. We all agree it should be more than enough to when it comes to editing.

Friday 25 February 2011

diary of filming

Febuary 25th

We ended up finally filming the splash scene today. We met up at the splash at about 2'oclock and filmed the scenes where me and kieran start running to the suitcase. We all put a lot of thought into many camara shots to use and in editing it should be very clear to what effect works best. For continuity we will start filming in Ashtead tomorrow at about 2:30 to show a difference in light which shows a change over time.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Diary of filming

February 24th

I was feeling a lot better the next day. However Mitch was working until late afternoon and Kieran was feeling under the weather like i was the previous day. So again we decided to postpone our filming until the next day.
We all felt comfortable leaving our filming to the next day because it was half term meaning we had a lot of time and we all knew our media project was the main priority. 

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Diary of filming

February 23rd

We said that we would film down the splash today but i was feeling very unwell. I let the group know very early in the morning to stop anymore inconveniences. We decided as a group to film on Thursday which is tomorrow.  The weather forecast shown the other day shows it should be better weather which we as a group said it would be a positive.  

film names

Over the past few lessons leading up to us beginning to film we had started to think of possible names for our film.
We decided that it need to tie in with our films content and out of the names mentioned we decided that will would call our film 'Mendacity'.The basic definition would mean untruthful which would help the opening of our film more powerful ending on a cliffhanger. 

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Diary of filming

February 22nd

We all got round to my house around 10:50am to start filming the very first scene of Mitch (the don) getting up and ready. We got all the filming done in just under 3 hours, we were very happy in the filming we got done because we used many different angles and had some very good thoughts about ideas for our next scene.
We also had to over come a few problems whilst filming things like seeing the reflection of the camera in a mirror or shiny object where things we had to over come.

Monday 21 February 2011

weather during half term

We needed to look at the weather for the filming schedule so we could go out and film without any interruptions. Also the weather would have to be the same for some days which would help with the continuity of our film 

Thursday 17 February 2011

Character Costume photos

Today in lesson we all brought in our costumes that will be used when filming. We chose these outfits as it is the normal gangster outfit. We believe this would be the best look for all of us and think it would have the best effect on the audience.

We still need to get a photograph of Harry's character in costume. He will be a much less traditional gangster, of the rival gang. He would have a much more casual suspicious clothing. He would be wearing things like a dark hoodie and a hat to try and make his identity hiden.

Monday 14 February 2011

Film Sceduling.

In toady's lesson we started to talk to each other when would be a good time for us all to start filming. As we are at our last week before a week off, we would all be able to get alot of our filming done in half term. This would be better as we are using people that are not doing media studies with us.

Audience Profiling

Most of the very successful crime films where made and published before the start of  the year 2000. This made it very hard to get accurate and recent audience profiles. However many of the successful older films follow clear cliches that were discussed early in my blog. Things like there being a rat in the gang and an undercover cop.

However now crime films are becoming more different to one another. They still get more or less the same audiences together. They are becoming increasing more likely to envolve a romantic part or twist in the film.


We all dicided to make our own questionaire, which we hope will help us get ideas of what to include in our film and what not to.

1).  On a scale of one to ten how violent do you think mordern crime films are?

2).  Do you think is would affect the film postively or negatively?

3). Would you rather watch a modern crime film or a traditional older crime film?

Thursday 3 February 2011

More locations

This allyway again would give the same affect than the other one, which we wanted.


For our shooting locations the main points we needed where allyways. This is because it would be the main point of activity. We would be filming this part of the film when is a lot darker. This would put a lot more emphasis on how intimidating the figure standing at the end of the ally would be. Also hopefully the lamp post will be on making it have greater affect on the sence.