Monday 31 January 2011

Picture analysis

This is a kitchen where we will film the beginging part of the scene. Mitch would get ready and walk down stairs into the kitchen. He would then get ready and begin to make him self some breakfast. We will use a number of different affects to be able to make it more affective and less time consuming. We where also thinking of doing a voice over where Mitch would be taking out how this whole day started the to criple his whole industry.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

image and props analysis

We will have to use a briefcase for our media work. It will be key for our film introduction as it is the main point of attention.

Also a baseball bat will be the only weapon that will be in our film at the moment.
It will have many different camera angles on it , so it will get the point across to the audience that the character holding it is dangerous

Animatic storyboard

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Storyboard 6

The first shot will be is of the characters cautiously carring on walking down the alleyway
The next shot is a first person view of the mobsters peering from the alleyway and looking right.
As they turn to the left it will be the character with the baseball bat after he strikes it will be a crooked camera angle of him walking off this the briefcase.

Storyboard 5

The beginging shot of this sence would be a medium shot , which would show kieran and I standing at the start of a darkened alleyway holding a briefcase.
The next shot is of a strange figure at the other end of the alleyway, a baseball bat slides his arm, which would be shown with a long shot.
After this shot it will be another long shot of the strange figure which will then track its way towards him for a close up showing a more violent look on his face.
Then the two gangsters facial expression changes to being more worried and unhindged.
The last shot is the mysterious character walking away with a long shot.

Monday 24 January 2011

Storyboard 4

This sence will start with a close up of us walking with a close up of our feet. We will then walk toward a bush and then pick up a briefcase and then walk into the distance.

Storyboard 3

The first part of the storyboard is the boss just ready so he leaves his home. As he Shuts his door it will then turn into a flashback of Kieran and I as henchmen for the mob. We will them be shown with a briefcase running towards the camera.

Storyboard 2

One again we use a very wide range of camera shots to show key aspects of the film.
We will use close ups of the boss putting his tie on ready for bussiness. Also when he picks up his cup of tea.
When the boss sits down to eat his toast we will use a time laspse of him eating the toastover time.

Storyboard sheet 1

This is our first storyboard sheet it explains the opening. The first picture is the credits which will have non-copyrighted music playing over it. The rest of the pictures show the Boss getting up in his daily routine. We will explore a wide range of different shots that will show our understanting of the opening bit of our media course.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Opening Credits video

This video is one of our many ideas on the Credits. Kieran had made this outside of lesson time at home. We all agree that we will use it for our final piece.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Mood bored

Crime films audiences

When thinking about the audiences that would be interested in watching our film would be people aged 15 years old going up to the age of 50. We think that they would have to be a certain age to be able to watch the film but in the same way not too old that it would no longer appeal to them. We think that more males would be wanting to watch the film, because it would be an action packed fast moving film.