Tuesday 21 December 2010

Film Institution Research

There are a few film Institutions that would be well equipped and suitable for the production of our film.

Institutions such as :

20th century fox
Warner Bros

However we have decided to choose Working Title as it supports British Films being a British company itself and helps support the British film industry. Working title has produced other British films such as Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.

After more research on Working title we decided that if we had the choice, it would be the institution to produce our film. This is because of many reasons, however the main one is the experiences with the British film industry. 

Certificate Research on crime films.

We have decided to certificate our film as an 15-18 due to the violence, violence and some upsetting scenes that would not be suitable for anyone under the age of 15. 
Pulp Fiction = 18
The Godfather = 15
The Godfather Part 2 = 15
Goodfellas = 18
The Usual Suspects = 18
Get Rich or Die Tryin' = 15
After looking at other crime films and their certificate rating we decided that 18 would be more appropriate. This is mostly because of the violence and upsetting nature of some films. 

Thursday 9 December 2010

The characters.

We have decided who are going to be the characters in our opening.

Mitch = The Don
Matt/Me = Henchman/Mobster
Kieran = Henchman/Mobster
Harry Kent(drama student) = Mysterious Stranger

Kieran will upload pictures of the characters after we have met outside of school.

Media planning

Today in lesson we gathered together our ideas for our opening and we will start storyboarding in the next lesson or when we have free periods together.

  • Credits
  • Character getting ready in morning ( process sped up eg. Kettle boiling, eating breakfast etc) – possibly link these two ideas together.
  • Flashback when don exits house eyes looking straight to camera shot filled just by his eyes. Then fades to flashback in Pleasantville effect
  • Flashback shows the two henchman/gangsters running possibly away from something. Run to a hedge and pull out a suitcase they open it to see documents, money and gun in it. They then carry on running away, get to an alley and get halfway down it and a silhouette of a mysterious man appears at the end of the alley as the characters get close to him he has a weapon and manages to injure the characters and take the case and walks calmly off. 
  • Fades in from flashback and colours slowly seep back into next scene. Characters walking down the street joining paths from side streets looking suave and cool. (Don possibly falls over)

  • Shows title of movie and then fades to black